1. wear vinyl gloves, draw 3 diphenyl oxalate with a syringe and put it into the glass tube. 2. plug the mouth of the glass tube with a glue gun, and add oily hydrogen peroxide to the rubber tube (enough to not overflow when the glass tube is inserted) 3. insert the glass tube into the rubber tube, and cover the rubber tube opening with a glass bead. 4. plug the rubber tube mouth once more with a glue gun, and shock the rubber tube to make it chemiluminescent. 5. circle the rubber tube, glue the resulting product on the face and upper body and blow out the light. 6. check your reflection in the mirror.
-The impact on the rubber tube shatters the glass tube inside. The diphenyl oxalate in the glass tube mixes with the oily hydrogen peroxide in the rubber tube, causing chemiluminescence.