Paper Birds』は、類まれな才能を持つ若きミュージシャン、トトの物語を描いた魅惑的なVR体験だ。 トトは、影に連れ去られた妹を救うため、神秘的なおもちゃのような町を進み、祖父と対決しながら、ペーパーバードの謎を解き明かしていく。 有名なエド・ノートン、ジョス・ストーン、アーチー・イェーツが出演するこの30分のインタラクティブ映画は、物語的なストーリーテリングとユニークなハンド・トラッキング・インタラクティビティを融合させている。 Paper Birds』は、音楽が光と闇をつなぐ架け橋となる世界に没入させ、音に光を塗り、見えない領域への扉を開かせる。 この体験は、インスピレーション、直感、感情のテーマを呼び起こし、すべての観客にとって深遠な旅となる。 最高の体験をするためには、複雑なサウンドスケープを十分に堪能し、キャラクターとより親密に関わるために、ヘッドホンの使用をお勧めします。 インタラクティブな要素を存分に楽しむには、ハンドトラッキングを強くお勧めします。 VR初心者から熟練ユーザーまで楽しめる『Paper Birds』は、トライベッカ映画祭やヴェネチア・ビエンナーレで受賞した作品で、『Gloomy Eyes』のクリエイターがお届けします。
Paper Birds is a captivating VR experience that tells the story of Toto, a young musician with extraordinary talent. As Toto embarks on a quest to rescue his sister, taken by her shadow, he navigates through a mystical toy-like town and confronts his grandfather to unravel the mystery of the Paper Birds. Featuring the renowned Ed Norton, along with Joss Stone and Archie Yates, this 30-minute interactive film combines narrative storytelling with unique hand tracking interactivity.
Paper Birds immerses you in a world where music is the bridge between light and darkness, allowing you to paint light over sounds and open portals to the invisible realm. This experience evokes themes of inspiration, intuition, and emotion, making it a profound journey for all audiences.
For the best experience, we recommend using headphones to fully appreciate the intricate soundscapes and to engage with the characters more intimately. Hand tracking is highly recommended to fully enjoy the interactive elements. Suitable for VR newcomers and seasoned users alike, Paper Birds is an award-winning piece showcased at the Tribeca Film Festival and La Biennale di Venezia, brought to you by the creators of Gloomy Eyes.
Moving. I don't know what I was expecting, but this really got me in my feels. The music, the artistry, and the story completely transport you into another realm of being. If you are feeling blue or just need a pick me up...this app is for you. If you just want beautiful music and a great story...this app is for you. Honestly, this app is for everyone.
Amazing. I love the interaction and the story, very good animation.
Great for Controller Smashers. You can start it, and take the controllers away for 30 minutes. No need to risk your expensive controllers next time you want to show a young family member VR; hit play, walk walk away.
Immersive, beautiful, and more pls! I thought this was so inspiring! The music and narration were perfectly aligned with the scenery. I loved every minute, but wanted more! Why r u teasing us LOL ? Thank you for putting scene design and orchestrated music in perfect combinations!
Part 2 was even better at engaging me so I felt part of the magic too. PLEASE do more of this, as I am sure anyone with an appreciation for art will love it 😍
Fantastic little experience. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect with this one, but I'm glad I got it. It's a short VR animation with some casual interactive sections, nothing stressful, just pleasant. The variation of scenes, their composition along web the accompanying soundtrack is just masterful, this is what VR is about, not just being ganked by zombies. Awesome experience, get it, you won't regret it.
Nice graphics, but that's absolutely it. Graphics were nice. But each scene started either way off to one side or another, out of sight, or right smack touching your nose. Had to constantly, constantly reset view. Story was incomprehensible. Convoluted. Disjointed. Never got hand tracking to work, several of us tried. Except for pleasing graphics, it was a wasted 30 mins and $6. Even made us a little cranky.
Wow!!! I just finished watching this and it was so amazing. I also had my husband watch it and I can just tell you about it something you have to experience for yourself. It is such an amazing experience. It is a visual masterpiece, and I just felt so immersed in this world. At first I thought it was a game but it’s not. It’s more of a story that unfolds in front of you unlike anything else I have ever experienced and I’m going to go on line now and see if there’s anything else like this that I can buy, because that was such an epic way to watch a movie or story if you will.
信じられない。 こんなに美しい没入感のある物語。見ていて素晴らしい。
Incredible. Such a beautiful immersive story. Wonderful to look at.
Yes it is 30 minutes long. This is 30 minutes of great direction. Of beautiful art. Of actual animation work. Of wonderful music. Of good voice acting. Of hit and miss interaction.
Beautiful viz and interactions. For interactive story, this is one of the better games at involving you with movement. The story is short (30-45 mins), but the visuals and impact of the story are really fantastic.
Wouldn't let kids under 10 watch really. Interesting experience but i found it annoying not always knowing where to look and having the scenes totally in my face. The interaction was cool but i felt the theme with the darkness could give some kids nightmares - so play it alone before giving it to your young kids .
Audioless….. Tried removing and reinstalling, the second time installing I just sat there patiently waiting thinking maybe it was a glitch when doing too many things at once.
Obviously it didn’t work which brings me here in hopes of a response to repair. Looking forward to being able to enjoy the app. Please help. Thank you -N