エミー賞を受賞したOculus Story Studioが贈る「Dear Angelica」は、私たちが愛する人を思い出す魔法のような夢のような旅を描いた作品です。 VRの中ですべて手描きされた「Dear Angelica」は、あなたの周りで繰り広げられる一連の記憶の中で展開します。 ジーナ・デイヴィスとメイ・ホイットマン主演の没入型イラスト短編集。
From Emmy Award winning Oculus Story Studio comes Dear Angelica, a journey through the magical and dreamlike ways we remember our loved ones. Entirely painted by hand inside of VR, Dear Angelica plays out in a series of memories that unfold around you. An immersive, illustrative short story starring Geena Davis and Mae Whitman.
Beautiful moving little animation. A nice little visual novel type game dealing with loss, pretty to look at and with a message to pay attention to, a great little free immersive vit of media to check out.
Beautiful. An excellent (free) showcase for 360° VR
I hope crying can't damage the headset. A beautiful and special experience with visuals drawn in vr.
Nice short story but doesn't go in depth. Non-interactive 360 VR short story. Doesn't really go in depth enough to give a full story. Mostly looks like it was put together hastily just to show off VR graphics made in Quill.
Meh. I liked the color and it was beautiful to look at but it was kinda boring
Beautiful... And has Mae Whitman in it. So I'm not much for just being patient and watching a story unfold, but this was gorgeous. I wish the format was such that the world didn't move when I did, because it was a little disorienting, but still awesome and gorgeous.
Not a special experience for me. Nice and well done (voices, 3d painting) but I couldn't feel really involved and touched in this. Not a special experience for me, just some drawing with someone soflty speaking about missing her mum
Beautiful storytelling. This short VR movie was beautifully done. It tell a story of family, connections and loss. Wonderful art and voice acting. My only gripe is that the visual presentation is a little disorienting.
Beautiful writing and visuals. The writing and visuals are one of the most beautiful I've seen in VR but it loses marks because it is in 3dof, so you have to remain still if you don't want motion sickness. Also, I think it is only in 60hz as I detected a bit of flickering. If it wasn't for these technical reasons it would have easily got 5 stars.
I hear from another reviewer that the Rift version is in 6dof, so maybe take a look at that if you want the best VR experience.