Get rid of teleporting. I don't know why some games only have the option to teleport. Every time I tried to turn around, I was teleporting all over the place. It made me so sick. Please, for the love of God, give us the option to walk normal in there. I had fun with the games, but you need to be able to turn that off.
Great game. Had alot of fun playing with a group of friends, played uno and a word game. I do like the name hangout games better it is more fitting of what this game is. This is a well polished fun game to hang out with friends. We had a blast
Exactly what we want in VR! Have only played VRUNO so far. Private game worked seamlessly. Gameplay was flawless! (Didn't figure out the dance party, but that's an added bonus, so didn't impact gameplay)
Will defiintely support you, Devs, in building your new library! Nicely done and Thank You!
To curious creators co. I love this game five stars but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ add a little more games 🎮 and the game copycat is my 😍 fav and themode we're you write it yourself is so cool but then people write really inappropriate stuff that I do not want to draw if you could pls 🙏 remove that I would be greatful if you consider my offer ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ thank ❤ you ❤
It's a blast! I'd tried many times to play this but never found anyone on. Finally found some people and it was great fun. My girlfriend saw me playing and wanted to try which is high praise as I can get her to try something in VR once in a blue moon. Her seeing me play this game had her trying it on her own. Can't wait to see what else y'all add
Fun. Looking forward to the expansion. I didn’t understand how to dance in uno. We kept failing. I need to find directions:)
開発者からのコメント こんにちは、私は Hangout Games の開発者の一人です。私たちのことを調べてくれてありがとう。Hangout Games は、あなたとあなたの友達が一緒に遊べる、楽しいソーシャルゲームのコレクションです。フィードバックやアイデアをお待ちしています。Discord @ に参加してください。
Note from the devs. Hi I'm one of the developers for Hangout Games, thanks for checking us out. Hangout Games is a collection of fun social games for you and you friends to play together. We would love you feedback and ideas, join us on Discord @
Welcome - from the devs. Hi from a dev, Thanks for trying our game! It's in beta and we're hard at work to improve it. We would love to hear your feedback!
Right now, we have three social games to play with friends. One is a drawing game. Another is a word game, and the third is a card game. We're adding more soon.
Our dream is to build a friendly VR community to play social games together. Please join our Discord server. That is the quickest way you can get direct answers from us and join our community!
Ok so for archery…this is a 5 minute fun time killer. But it wears off in about 5 minutes.
The games…only two of them and both require a group of people to play. Also both are for adults. I could see them being fun if there were people to play with.
Could be a great game if more is added.
Devs- add all the non commercial games ASAP, poker, hearts, solitaire, dominoes, checkers, go, list is endless.
Chill vibes and fun games! This app is a breath of fresh air compared to some of the other social/hangout games! The games are fun and the worlds are really beautiful. I had a great time playing the drawing game with my friends! I saw new games were coming soon, I’ll def be back to check those out.
Pretty fun. Updated review... Great graphics and the drawing game was really fun! I'm impressed that the developers noticed my previous review and fixed the glitch that was causing issues
Thing is all glitched out and can't even make it past the tutorial. No option to skip the tutorial either. So ummm yeah, totally unplayable. Not sure how other people are giving this 5 stars?this should actually get zero stars but I was forced to choose at least one star
Another great social hangout game. It’s in the name! This is a fun set of games to play while you hang out with friends. I am really impressed with the settings and ability to interact with and move through the areas. And more importantly, the games are quite fun. I am not sure we played them all exactly as designed. Sometimes I think we made up a few of our own rules, but we had a blast. Nice to see that two more games are coming soon. Looking forward to spending more time hanging out.
Fun game with lots of Promise. I played this tonight with a few friends, and we had a blast. The card game was a little harder to understand the rules, but we figured it out. The other two were a lot of fun! The background graphics are great, and I like that you can go into a game room and just wander around and hang out if you wanted to. It's like going to a friends house, and the board game is on the table. You can play, or just hang out and talk. Looking forward to the other two games, and seeing where this goes from here! Great start devs!
Gartic Phone in VR! I really enjoyed playing the drawing game called Copy Cat. It's very similar to Telestrations IRL or Gartic Phone. The best part is the end reveal of everyone's drawings and guesses. I also really liked the chill house's like renting a really nice house to play games with friends!
A great start. This feels early (just 3 mini games so far), but it's got a lot of potential. If you love hanging out and playing chill games, but Recrooms is getting to toxic, this is a great alternative. Devs are very active in their Discord too.
Great multiplayer games! I had a lot of fun playing different games in here with a group of friends. Each game has a totally new environment to explore - a modern house, the forest, and even the beach! Excited to come back here to play even more games.