Fun family game. This is a creative game that you can play with your friends or family with just 1 vr headset. It's very funny. The makers help you immediately when you have a question. This for a low price. Definitely worth 5 stars.
Great fun for all. I downloaded this game after playing at friends house. This game is perfect for Xmas to play with friends and family. Hope to see the on main store as it deserves to be there.
gets hilarious! pretty fun game for gatherings, VR needs more games like this that you can play VR with your friends without needing everyone to have a headset! Similar to Charades guessing quickly becomes hilarious and seeing the person jumping left and right to draw stuff makes it more funny!
Basically Pictionary. This was great fun! Seems to still be actively being worked on by the devs. Hoping that more community builds around this game, because it’s got awesome potential there, but plays well with just friends at home. Cheers!
Fun to play with my family. Played this with some of my family this past week and it was a lot of fun i got to play with some of my family that lives far away.
Fun little party game. I played this with four friends locally. There is some experimenting to be done as far as figuring out what will work best ie painting/using the 3D models, or using the markers for each picture. We had a lot of fun guessing and switching off who was the painter.
Fun in VR with friends. Had some friends over for a game night and wanted a game where we could play VR without needing 5 headsets. This game was perfect because we could pass around the Quest 2 headset and everyone else played along on their phone. Loved the silliness of the emotes and power-ups and definitely a game I can play again anytime I have friends over!