Tennis League VRは、カジュアルゲーマーでもプロを目指す人でも、完璧なエースを決めるスリルを味わえます。 本物のテニステクニックを駆使して、コートを支配し、ライバルを打ち負かそう!キャリアゲームやカスタムゲームなど、さまざまなゲームモードでソロプレイを楽しんだり、オンラインで腕試しをすることもできます。 タイムアタックや精密なチャレンジで、スライス、トップスピン、ロブに磨きをかけよう。 最新のゲームモード「ドロイド・ラッシュ」では、増え続けるロボット軍団を相手に狙いを試すこともできます!本物のアスリートやスポーツの専門家の協力を得て開発されたTennis League VRは、あらゆるスキルレベルに対応したチャレンジを提供します。 ~特徴🎾 VRテニスのエースになろうキャリアモードに飛び込んで、数々のコートでAIとトーナメントを戦おう。 トレーニングレッスンカスタマイズ可能なボールキャノン練習オプションや魅力的なスキルチャレンジなど、充実したトレーニングモードでグランドストローク、ボレー、サーブの基本を学ぼう。 ドロイドラッシュモードドロイド・ラッシュモードで、ロボットの群れを相手にスイングをマスターしよう。 狙いを定めて、シールドを素早く破壊しよう!オンライン・マルチプレイヤー[...]
Tennis League VR delivers the thrill of landing the perfect ace, whether you are a casual gamer or an aspiring pro. Use real tennis techniques to dominate the court and smash the competition! You can play solo in a variety of game modes such as career or custom games, or take your skills online and put them to the test.
Refine your slice, topspin, and lob with time-attack and precision challenges. You can even test your aim against an ever-increasing army of robots in our newest game mode Droid Rush!
Developed with the help of real athletes and sports professionals, Tennis League VR offers a challenge for every skill level.
🎾 Become a VR Tennis Ace
Jump into Career mode and compete in tournaments against challenging AI opponents across numerous different courts.
🎾 Training Lessons
Learn the basics of ground strokes, volleys, and serves with the robust Training Mode, which includes customizable ball cannon practice options and engaging skill challenges.
🎾 Droid Rush Mode
Master your swing against a swarm of robot invaders in Droid Rush. Hone your aim and take out those shields quickly!
🎾Online Multiplayer
Test your skills against other players online from around the globe. Invite up to 8 friends to jeer or cheer you on from the sidelines.
🎾 Multiple Control Options
Move around the court by teleporting or using analog stick movement, and customize your playstyle
Good, but not perfect. Please add an automatic teleportation option. Ball physics are not realistic. Button before initiate ball should be an option not a duty.
It could be the top tennis game in the future. In the momentary Version I feel not the a relaxed game flow.
Fun game with a workout. This game is fun with a workout out in it as well it will keep you on your toes , I like that it’s single user or that you can play multiplayer , there is a training mode which is a plus in my book . I really like the droid rush mode. And I like that you can play online multiplayer
Settings glich. We’ve noticed the large blue stats screen pops up behind us while playing. It causes the ball to disappear and be missed on almost every occasion. Is there a fix?
思ってたのと違う 良くない
投稿者:Janis Sam Hackney
Tennis. I love this game. I got it yesterday and my arms are so sore. I played over 2 hours.
A Leader in The League. Tennis league is now facilitating playing skillful tennis. It has a variety of quality graphic environments. Players should remember to use the A or X button (on Oculus Quest 2) to teleport in response the opponents shot. I am looking forward to when there is more activity on multi-player.
THIS is the tennis game you want! I tried the other popular tennis game but found it too unrealistic/automated (I intentionally served terribly but they corrected all my bad form!). Tennis League is way more fun, has great practice modes, & let’s you fail when you suck so you can actually get better. My serve is improving, & just today I discovered Simulation mode which is less polished - my ball toss needs work! (stick to Arcade mode for a perfect toss each time).
The only feature I’d request is to be able to see SERVE SPEED - I had a few fast ones today & was really curious about it… All in all it’s a great tennis game, I play every time I’m in VR!
現在最高のテニスゲーム!Tennis League VRは、あらゆるプレーヤーに最適な多くのゲームモードを提供する!グラフィックのスタイルがとてもきれいで、他のどのゲームよりも優れている。アーケードの要素が、このゲームをユニークなものにしており、特にミニゲームが含まれている(これはぜひやってみることをお勧めする)。Tennis League vrには、あらゆるプレイヤーに最適なゲームモードが多数用意されている!グラフィックスタイルがとてもきれいで、競合他社よりも優れている。アーケードの要素が、特にミニゲーム(これはぜひ試してみることをお勧めする)が含まれていることで、このゲームをユニークなものにしている。このゲームの購入をお勧めする!
Currently Best Tennis Game! Tennis League VR offers many game modes, perfect for all kinds of players! The graphic style is very neat, better than all its competitors. The arcade component makes it a unique game, especially with the inclusion of a minigame (which I definitely recommend trying). Tennis league vr offers many game modes, perfect for all kinds of players! The graphic style is very neat, better than all its competitors. The arcade component makes it a unique game, especially with the inclusion of a minigame (which I definitely recommend trying). I recommend the purchase of this game!
投稿者:Lilly Lane
Experience. I didn’t like it at all. Doesn’t simulate real tennis
Does not load. Still not working, doesn’t load. I’m unable to give an updated review for an app I’ve purchased that doesn’t work or load. Unable to play.
Received message. Still not working. 6/26/23 I would like a refund. This game does not play. It’s not loading and I paid for this game. Stuck on loading, but it never loads. I like the game, but I’m unable to play, because of this error. It’s been like this for 6 days now. If you’re unable to fix, I would like a refund.
Please don’t waste your money. Stuff is so expensive nowadays and I am very upset to say I bought this app for it to work for a week or so, then get stuck on the loading screen. Did as many updates as there were, tried to shut it off and turn it back on, nothing. Had to end up resetting my whole VR , just for it to work for a night. I want a refund because why should I pay for something that isn’t going to work?