Pick-up League Hockeyは、リアルな物理演算とモーションコントロールを駆使し、最大5人の仲間と一緒にリンクに立つ没入感あふれるマルチプレイヤーホッケーゲームです!ホッケー愛好家によって作られたPULHは、VRで最もカスタマイズ可能なマルチプレイヤーホッケーゲームを目指しています!クロスリージョン、クロスプラットフォームプレイに対応しています!Discordでニュースやトーナメントなどをお楽しみください:https://electricfalcon.net/discord
Pick-up League Hockey is a full-featured multiplayer hockey game using realistic physics and motion controls to create an immersive game that puts you right in the rink with up to 5 other friends! Created by a hockey enthusiast, PULH aims to be the most customizable multiplayer hockey game in VR!
Cross-region and cross-platform play is supported!
Join us on discord for news, tournaments and more: https://electricfalcon.net/discord
Amazing game. This is one of the best, if not the best vr hockey game. The games are really fun but manual goalie would be really nice. I know stuff like that could take awhile to program but if you get it, it would make it a game I play every day (even though I usually play it every day). Great game!
Best game. This is the most fun game I think I ever bought worth every penny of it. I would pay 100 dollars for this. This game is my go to game if I’m ever bored I would recommend this to anyone.
Amazing Game! I have been playing the game for a good amount if time now, and think that it is one of the best vr hockey games that is competitive and fun. It is hard at first but it gets easier as you learn. Thank you to the devs!
このゲームは素晴らしい!Pick up league hockeyはストアにある最高のホッケーVRゲームです。ゲームはとてもリアルで、友達とプレイするのは最高だ。私は一日中このゲームをプレイしていますが、決して飽きることはありません。このゲームにはディスコードもあって、チームに参加して他のプレイヤーと競い合うこともできる。本当に現実のチームでプレイしているような感覚になる。みんな本当に親切で、自分のチームに挑戦させてくれるよ!
This game is amazing! Pick up league hockey is the best hockey vr game their is in the store. The game is so realistic, and it's a blast to play with your friends. I play this game all day, and I never get bored. The game also has a discord you can join to be on a team and compete against other players. It truly feels like your playing on a team in real life. Everyone's really nice and will give you a shot on their team!
This is literally the best hockey vr game I've ever seen