All Hail the Cook-o-tron(シミュレーション、アーケード)のスクリーンショット
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All Hail the Cook-o-tron(シミュレーション、アーケード)の概要
概要 ※この概要は翻訳表示しています。
All Hail the Cook-o-tronは、VRのために一から作られた物理ベースの料理アクションゲームです。 特徴 * オンラインリーダーボードを備えたアーケードモード* 手作りの36レベルに及ぶキャンペーン* ユニークなメカニクスを持つ6人のボスを倒せ* 7つの調理場と80以上の料理をマスター* 好きなように料理を組み立てられる物理ベースの料理ゲームプレイ* ユニークな癖を持つ様々な顧客タイプ* カジュアルとヒロイックの難易度* 難易度は段階的に上昇し、プレイヤーを圧倒しないよう設計されています。
All Hail the Cook-o-tron is a physics based cooking action game built from the ground up just for VR.
Features: * Arcade Mode with an Online leaderboard * Campaign spanning 36 handcrafted levels * Defeat 6 bosses with their own unique mechanics * Master 7 food prep stations and over 80 dishes * Physics-based cooking gameplay enabling assembly of dishes in any way you like * Various customer archetypes with their unique quirks * Casual and Heroic difficulty * Progressive difficulty curve designed not to overwhelm yet provide a solid challenge
All Hail the Cook-o-tron(シミュレーション、アーケード)の評価数と総合順位の推移
OH HELL YA BEST COOKING SIM. For anyone that loves cooking sims I highly recommend buying this game. This is simply the best vr cooking game I have ever played to date. The graphics are awesome the gameplay mechanics are superb just make sure you chop things slow haha The modes are great the design is perfect and there is some great humour please get this on the main store so others can enjoy it to
Fantastic, best cooking VR game. ** UPDATED REVIEW ** I previously gave the game 5 stars but wanted to amend my review to add a few more points to help those who may be thinking of purchasing it.
I purchased and have played this game since the release date and I'm still loving it! What is brilliant is the challenging environments in each wave that you play. To name a few, challenges include serving as many customers as you can during a storm, zero effect gravity, birds stealing food when cooking etc… Furthermore, I really like the different characters such as the crying baby and you have to hurry up and give it ice-cream so it will stop crying and to stop customers from leaving lol!
Enjoyable single player game. There are over 80 variety of dishes. Great amount of replayability. You can play arcade and campaign modes, casual and heroic difficulty. The boss battles are so much fun!!!
The graphics are very good and the game plays smoothly no glitches. What is incredible is that the game is created by a 2 persons team.
If you are looking for a different cooking game with unique challenges this is the game for you. I highly recommend it!!!